Within the scope of the regulation 2020/878 of the REACH legislation 1907/2006 in the EU, and within the scope of KKDIK regulation dated 23/06/2017 and numbered 30105 in Türkiye, it is an obligation to prepare Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for hazardous products.

With Article 64 of the KKDIK; the Regulation on Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Substances and Mixtures (GBF) published in the Official Gazette dated 13.12.2014 and numbered 29204 has been repealed. Therefore, as of 31.12.2023, SDSs must be prepared by a Chemical Assessment Expert (KDU) according to KKDIK Annex II.

In Türkiye, if there has been a change in the structure of the chemical substance, if information that may affect risk assessment measures or new information on hazards has been obtained, if authorization has been granted or denied, or if restrictions have been applied to substances in a SDS prepared in accordance with the former SDS Regulation, the relevant SDS should be updated immediately. Otherwise, it has been announced by the ministry that the SDS prepared according to the SDS regulation will not be valid.

Manufacturers are responsible for the preparation and delivery of the SDSs for their substances/mixtures in accordance with Article 27 of KKDIK. However, Only Representatives can as well take in charge manufacturer’s SDS requirements in Turkish language in case of mutual agreement.

RGS, with its experienced expert staff holding certifications from these accredited institutions offers services for SDS&e-SDS preparation, SDS update and validation in Turkish compliant with KKDIK and in 54 different languages compliant with REACH Regulation for your company-specific needs.